"Konepaja Antti Ranta Oy", Ylämylly

Konepaja Antti Ranta Oy in the city of Ylämylly, Finland is specialized on production of LIPE hydraulic trailers for transportation of free-flowing goods. Established in 1977, the company is a pioneer in sphere of trailer making based on its long experience and technical perfection. Konepaja Antti Ranta Oy is using in production tested in northern conditions construction solutions. Influence of snow and cold combined with high exploitation loads are taken into account in process of production.

"Vikmet Oy", Helsinki

Vikmet Oy is producing “HOKKE” hydraulic snow ploughs for trucks and tractors. Company is established in 1953 and has for decades been a biggest supplier of snow ploughs for major cities in Finland.

"Ratemex Oy", Kitee

The factory of the company in town of Kitee is producing “AJO” and “LUMEX SYSTEM” road maintenance production. The assortment consists of side-ploughs, underblades and scatterers for trucks, cutting heads and booms for tractors and various road-maintenance equipment for light vehicles.

"Rannan Teollisuuskone Ltd", Leppävesi

Rannan teollisuuskone Oy (Ltd) is situated in Laukaan Leppävesi and is working with orders providing services to the industry. Leppävesi plant covers the machinery and equipment supplies, steel structures, machinery, assembly works and installations.

Our business strength factors are guarantee of supply, flexibility and quality of production.

"Rannan Teollisuuskone Ltd", Vantaa

Vantaa unit has been established in 1998 and its activities are based on a cable machine manufacture including the composition, as well as testing the electrical equipment.

Contact information

Managing Director
Antti Ranta
+358 (0) 500 372 443

Ratemex Oy
Matti Muttonen
+358 (0) 500 675 257

Vikmet Oy
Pentti Juntunen
+358 (0) 500 513 411